Friday, March 1, 2013

How to remove latex paint from an enamel stove.

The oven door of our vintage trailer had been painted over with a white latex paint. Covering the vintage green that matches the stove top.I preferred the stove top and the oven door to match ( not to mention you couldn't bake with the latex paint covering the door) so I set out to remove the latex paint.
I could tell it was latex, because it was chipping in several areas, and if I used my finger nail I could chip even more of it off. I found a post online about removing latex paint using rubbing alcohol. Thanks to the person that originally posted the information.
The original post said to soak paper towels in rubbing alcohol and cover the oven door.
Then cover it with plastic wrap and let it sit for about an hour.
Here it is an hour later.
Very easy, there were a few spots that I reapplied alcohol for an additional 20 minutes.
Then I used my finger nail to get it off.
(sorry for the bad photo)
Here is the finished door, not bad at all.

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